Calypso is a new system browser for Pharo which I developed as required component for general remote IDE project.
First initial version is done. You can try it by:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Calypso';
repository: 'github://dionisiydk/Calypso';
#ClySystemBrowser asClass open.
I release Calypso in the state where I finish most design decisions which I think important for project evolution.
Of course there are a lot of things to do and improve. But browser is fully working. And most Nautilus features are supported.
Now it is important to community to participate in project and make browser great again :). We need escape from Nautilus pasta code.
Please report any ideas/bugs on github page I already fill it with my wishes.
Next step I will work on documentation/class comments and I will publish couple of posts about Calypso internals
Next step I will work on documentation/class comments and I will publish couple of posts about Calypso internals
Browser features in many pictures
- all navigation panes are based on fast table.

- multiple selection supported everywhere
- dynamic tabs instead of single source code panel
- separate tools in tabs to create/edit methods/classes
- separate tab for class comment
- extended by plugins
- dynamic toolbar for hierarchy switches and buttons
- class refs, senders and implementors again
- extended by plugins

- new hierarchies: traits and trait users where available
- method group view instead of protocols view
- old "dynamic protocols" as core feature
- based on method tags as symbols
- support multiple tags per method (Pharo 7)
- could provide hierarchy of tags (like in Dolphin)
- not required star convention for class extension
- inherited methods group
- extensions group
- visibility option for inherited methods

- methods inherited from traits are not shown by default
- simple checkbox to show them if exist
- variable view as special mode for method group view.
- refactorings directly on shown variables

- package view is based on class groups
- "dynamic protocols" for classes
- based on class tags as symbols
- support multiple tags per class (Pharo 7)
- extensions group

- navigation over hierarchy view automatically selects package of selected class
- automatic selection of items similar to last selection
- select method A on class1 then select class2 and method A of class2 will be selected automatically
- unaccepted edits are not lost when any selection changed
- tab with modified method stayed "pinned" with special icon
- same for any other editors (class definition, class comment)
- table cells are extendable by plugins
- ClySUnitBrowserPlugin provides classic icon with test results
- also icon for package and class tag
- explicit commands instead of duplicated menu and shortcuts
- extendable by plugins
All fixes are now integrated in Pharo 6. Loading script is updated